Debrezeit Cluster Farms Join Hands to Execute Joint CSR Project - EHPEA

Debrezeit Cluster Farms Join Hands to Execute Joint CSR Project

A business gathering was held in January 27, 2019 at Pyramid Hotels and Resorts, Debrezeit with the intention of having a cluster based joint corporate social responsibility projects in Debrezeit Cluster Farms at P. The CSR projects will be executed principally by the commercial farms in partnership with Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA) and the responsible public partner from Oromia regional state; Oromia Investment Commission.  Community demand driven interventions will be the main focus which could directly contribute to the enhancement of livelihoods  of the surrounding communities and contribute to the image building in that respective cluster. As a result of the gathering, a CSR joint committee for the cluster was formed.  The Committee will be responsible in the identification, selection and implementation of the projects and will have thorough participatory assessment on the culture and need of the community and will have a commendation based on the outcomes.

Debrezeit Cluster farms are a business oriented private organizations engaged in the production and export of Cut roses, Fruit and Vegetable and Herbs to the international market. The companies strives to create safe and healthy working environment for their employees and committed to contribute for improving the living standard and health and wellbeing of their employees and their surrounding communities. In line with this, the companies create public private partnership among the farms, EHPEA and Oromia Investment Commission to initiate joint CSR projects through procedural and financial contribution with active participation of the target community.

Contact Info

Location : Micky Leyland Avenue on the Road to Atlas Hotel, NB Business Center; 6th floor; Room #603

Phone : +251 11 6636750

P.O.Box: 22241 Code 1000


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