Liquid Waste Water Treatment for better environment - EHPEA

Liquid Waste Water Treatment for better environment

Olij Roses Ethiopia Plc.

Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA) is working towards ensuring a sustainable and environment friendly production in the horticulture sector. Among its key the intervention areas, constructing a wetland in its member farm is one of the tool to safeguard the sustainability and environmental issues. Among the farms who are implementing the project, Olij Roses Ethiopia PLC is one of the leading farms to construct the wetlands system. Currently the farm finalize all the necessary constructions and let the system to run in order to treat the used waste water.   As the farm use more water for production they construct bigger treatment plant which helps to filter the water before it discharge to the environment and irrigation purposes. The final discharged water will be used for irrigating different fruits like, Papaye, banana and other.

Ethiopian Cutting PLC

Ethiopian Cutting PLC (Syngenta) is also one of the beneficiary farms from the wetland project. The farm finalized the construction of its Wetland and the system will start to purify water by the end of November.

As the farm used water discharge volume is high, they have built a huge facility to reuse the treated used water for irrigating gardening and different fruit plants with in the compound.

Contact Info

Location : Micky Leyland Avenue on the Road to Atlas Hotel, NB Business Center; 6th floor; Room # 603

Phone : +251 11 6636750

P.O.Box: 22241 Code 1000


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