ET-Highland Flora PLC undertaking massive action on liquid waste treatment - EHPEA

ET-Highland Flora PLC undertaking massive action on liquid waste treatment

ET-Highland Flora PLC said undertaking liquid waste water management properly is instrumental in reusing water and curbing environmental pollution. The company has been investing hugely in liquid and solid waste water management.

The liquid waste water management project being undertaken by the company has been hailed as exemplary by EHPEA staff members who visited the farm these past two weeks. It is also doing very well with regard to turning solid waste into compost. The farm has managed to fully develop twenty hectares of land.

Farm Manager Emebet Tesfaye said as flower farm takes huge water the company has given due attention to investing particularly in liquid waste water management. “We are relying on consultants’ advice and we are on the way to reuse treated water for irrigation purpose. Liquid waste treatment also helps us in carrying our social responsibility of developing the farm while protecting and conserving the environment.”

The Farm’s liquid waste treatment process encompasses sedimentation tank, primary holding tank, vertical flow bed, gravel bed hydroponics as well as six-layer ponds.
According to Company Production Department Head Urge Batu, the farm is currently growing 16 varieties of rose. In parallel, it is replacing old varieties with new ones in accordance with breeders and present market demands.

Urge indicated that the company is taking massive action towards enhancing productivity and maintaining quality of products through maintaining greenhouses sanitation.
The farm was established in 2005 and went fully operational in 2006.

Contact Info

Location : Micky Leyland Avenue on the Road to Atlas Hotel, NB Business Center; 6th floor; Room #603

Phone : +251 11 6636750

P.O.Box: 22241 Code 1000


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