Herburg Roses CSR Engagements - EHPEA

Herburg Roses CSR Engagements

Herburg is a Netherland origin company operating on flower business for over 40 years.  With its excellent experience in growing roses it opened the first nursery out of Holland in Ziway, Ethiopia located about 163 km east from the capital.

Currently, Herburg Roses has 40 hectares of greenhouse rose production exporting to UK market about 2million stems on weekly bases.As part of its good will to support the surrounding community the company implemented various corporate social activities.

Under the education support program which was started in 2016, Herburg facilitate school materials and uniforms for 150 students every year including for its employees by facilitating school materials for their children’s and to achieve academic excellence.

As Erosion is a major problem in Africa Herburg is involved on planting trees and contributing money for better live environment in being partner with IDH (Sustainable trade Initiative) in reforestation project .

As part of housing project, Herburg constructed houses for internally displaced peoples from Somali region in 2018 which costs ETB 863,000.00.  In addition to this , by contributing 600,000.00 ETB  a new drinking water line have been installed in batu town.

Among others, Herburg Roses extend in kind supports for the local community members, relevant stakeholders and employees as well such as; donation for East Shoa Zone Higher court as requested, sponsorship for federation, donation for light anti-HIV/AIDS organization, sponsorship for Sher School students for graduation to publish magazine every year, ODA-tombola unity for development donation for lottery, Health insurance coverage for 30 people for the community, supporting water at Bulbula area two kebele’s, Supporting elders 3 times in a year (for Holidays) and financial contribution.

In addition to the above mentioned CSR engagements, Herburg Roses created a partnership with other farms in Ziway cluster and engage in a number of community benefiting projects.

Contact Info

Location : Micky Leyland Avenue on the Road to Atlas Hotel, NB Business Center; 6th floor; Room #603

Phone : +251 11 6636750

P.O.Box: 22241 Code 1000


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