EHPEA extends its services to its member farms to be environment conscious by introducing waste management systems! - EHPEA

EHPEA extends its services to its member farms to be environment conscious by introducing waste management systems!

EHPEA extends its services to its member farms to be environment conscious by introducing waste management systems!

→ Construction of Wetlands; Built 40+ used water treatment plants constructed, which benefits on reducing water footprints, ensure sustainability, avoid environmental risks and created the professionals on the field.

Up to date EHPEA member farms managed to treat and recycle 83thousand cubic meter water and save 45% of water consumption in their farm.

To support the sector sustainability a national standard for the horticulture sector formulated which eases the regulation task and ensure sustainability in coordination with Ethiopian Standard Authority.

→ Green Waste Management; we also provide services that pivot on ensuring sustainability regarding converting biomass into valuable products through adopting value-adding technologies.

Accordingly, different technologies are adopted to produce organic fertilizer and renewable energy from green waste. Composting, vermicomposting, biogas, and briquette are the technologies implemented at member farms.

Through Vermi composting technology it was possible to reduce the application of synthetic fertilizer by 33% and with small biogas digester (20metric cube) farms are able to produce organic liquid fertilizer (3000litter) per week from the green waste.

Contact Info

Location : Micky Leyland Avenue on the Road to Atlas Hotel, NB Business Center; 6th floor; Room #603

Phone : +251 11 6636750

P.O.Box: 22241 Code 1000


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