A consultative meeting held on False Codling Moth (FCM) in collaboration with EAA AND EHPEA

EHPEA, in partnership with the Ethiopian Agriculture Authority (EAA), convenes a consultative meeting to address the ongoing developments concerning the interception of the False Codling Moth (FCM). 

Following the publication of a scientific report by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the EU Commission is implementing strict measures. Consequently, the EU Commission has decided to raise the inspection percentage for cut flowers exported from Ethiopia from 5% to 25%, effective May 1st, 2024.

All rose growers are directed to rigorously follow the FCM protocols, establish a crop protection strategy, enhance farm capacity, and implement a systemic approach, among other measures. EAA emphasizes that there will be rigorous controls both on-farm sites and at Bole International Airport.

EHPEA encourages all stakeholders to collaborate in the effort to control FCM, pledging that the relentless endeavor to enhance farm capacity and provide technical assistance for a comprehensive approach to FCM control and monitoring will persist.

workplace empowering training on Gender, SRHR and Hygiene protection delivered at Fura Institute

A workplace empowering training on Gender, SRHR and Hygiene protection delivered at Fura Institute in Yirgalem for commercial farms, unions, and avocado processing factories in the Sidama Region.

The training conducted by Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA) gender intervention department in collaboration with its new branch in Hawassa which comprises two rounds of insightful training focused on sensitizing owners and top management personnel on key workplace gender-related issues, SRHR and hygiene interventions with its business case while the second round focused on Training of Trainers (TOT) for selected workers, supervisors, and gender focal persons from the participating organizations.

This initiative marks a significant step towards fostering gender equality and empowerment within the Horticultural and export sectors in the region.

Ethiopia exported 4500 tones of flowers using 50 freighter

Ethiopia exported 4500 tones of flowers using 50 freighter from January 22 to February 14, 2024, targeted for the valentine day to key locations in Europe such as Liege, Brussels, Amsterdam, and Germany, as well as markets in the UK, USA, Middle East and the Far East.

Ethiopia, known as a rose country in the horticulture industry is among the top 4 flower producer and exporting countries.

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